Disorders related to Language Acquisition and Language Learning

The brain of the dyslexic has a problem in identifying sounds, that is, it can not associate the letters that form a syllable to a sound. Consequently, when reading a text, there is also difficulty understanding the content. On the other hand, when you hear someone else read, the child understands what is being said.
The main signs to be observed are: delay in literacy, change of letters, difficulty in finishing long words in both reading and writing, slow reading and delay to copy from the blackboard.
The most reported disorders in epileptic patients: developmental dysphasias associated with epilepsy; critical aphasia, where there is a transient alteration of cognitive function; and acquired epileptic aphasia, where language deterioration occurs in childhood, as well as behavioral changes, including autistic traits. Therefore, we must be alert to any child who presents a regression of language, which must be carefully evaluated (for a differential diagnosis) and sent to the appropriate treatment.
The with hyperactivity attention deficit disorder (ADHD) is a condition that causes the child to be very busy and you can not concentrate on his studies. Impulsiveness is another feature that may be present. The child rarely completes a task, does not like to make great mental effort, and is always restless.
In autism, understanding and pragmatics are invariably affected, within the symptoms are, disorders of nonverbal communication, stereotyped and persevering behaviors, restricted and/or unusual interests and altered social skills. We conclude that language regression in childhood is characterized by a severe disorder, with significant morbidity in the long term.
Child depression
Is characterized by a deep sadness, loss of will to live, demotivation, isolation and unstable mood are the characteristics of this disease. Childhood depression causes much suffering for the child and, usually, is accompanied by worsening school performance.
Main signs: the child, before being cheerful, becomes sad. Do not want to eat or overeat, have too much sleep or insomnia. She cries often and complains of being bored. Her grades drop and she loses her desire to study.

To read more about that, go to: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/%0D/jped/v80n2s0/v80n2Sa11.pdf and www.educarparacrescer.com.br

J Pediatr (Rio J). 2004;80(2 Supl):S95-S103: Distúrbios da linguagem, aprendizagem, dislexia, autismo, epilepsia.


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